Why not both?

By Alexandra - 20/09/2011 08:25 - Lebanon

Today, I surprised my boyfriend by buying him an expensive watch for his birthday. He responded with "Aww, you could've just given me head, babe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 617
You deserved it 8 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know you regret having to buy him that watch. Don't lie.


sodapopper 6

Hahah... Tell him I said stay classy!

Why are you complaining? At least you know next time!

Fahodi 4

Give him a dish of Tabouleh on his next birthday!! :p

nothing is better then birthday head or sex (: head preferably. one day u can be a selfish lover

I'd rather have head too. If I want to know what time it is, I check my mobile. If I need a golf GPS, I use my mobile. If I want to play video games, or watch hulu, I use my mobile. On my Birthday, I want super special birthday head. Which means no complaints about taking it to the face and hair. If you cook up a good steak with brown gravy, onions and mushrooms it would be even better. Those two things I mentioned are things I can't do for myself.

Um it sounds like he was saying that your gift is better then head which is a lie but still sounds like he liked it

elyk81 0

give him head. a split head. maybe he's saying "you dont need to buy me expensive things, all i need is you." in a completely retarded way. or he's a sexist dick.

fiberflex15 0