By Anonymous - 05/07/2009 04:57 - United States

Today, it was my boyfriend and my six-month anniversary. I've really fallen in love with him, and I know he loves me the same. So I got him a really nice gift, a watch he's had his eye on for as long as I've known him. It was expensive. What does he get me? A condom. Three actually. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 230
You deserved it 9 908

Same thing different taste

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Six months and you buy him a really expensive watch?

Not very many guys think every month-iversary is particularly special, especially since a lot of girls tend to have their own 'schema' as to which ones are important and which aren't.


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Bathory_fml 0

She does deserve it. "six-month anniversary". She buys an expensive watch for their "six-month anniversary". This isn't a real anniversary, mind you, because a "six-month anniversary" isn't a full year. Is this getting through to you? "six-month anniversary". Not real anniversary. And then she posts it as an FML when he gets her something not as expensive. Well, duh! I'm surprised she got anything at all.

alex_vik 0

YDI means "You Deserved It", not "You dumb idiot" *facepalm*

#54: Still, maybe she shouldn't have expected a luxury item, but condoms is damn right rude. Besides, you can get them for free in the clinics. At least he could have bought a box of chocolates.

pshhhh let's why me and my gal skip guyss girllsss are soooo muccchhhh bettter

There's such thing as a six month anniversary?

It's the thought that counts. And hey, at least it's more than one! Better than nothing. Need more cheering up? Because I probably have more cliches. :)

swooshq 0

what about "good things come in small packages" or the one about groups of three? lol

brandybaby1204 0

Lol say " you won't need them until you get me a gift" 2nd lol

Aww that sucks. Maybe he'll feel bad and get you something to make up for it? Hopefully he will :D

kendalle_fml 0

well at least you will remember it. plus it is only a 6 month anniversary

meeeep 0

anniversary means 1 year...

OMFG THANK YOU! I was gonna say the exact same thing. Annual means once a year. Anniversary means one time on a certain day a year. I hate people that are like "My 3 week anniversary." Like shut up. Your stupid.

"Your stupid." Oh, the irony! It burns! Seriously, my stupid what?

For some people, 6 months is a big deal.

anniversary derives from the word annual, which is an extension of the word anal, so its not a milestone until you've had anal.

Annual means yearly. Annu- is the root for year.

Curtieeeez 0

At least you won't get pregnant.

Not very many guys think every month-iversary is particularly special, especially since a lot of girls tend to have their own 'schema' as to which ones are important and which aren't.

that's what I was thinking. I mean, some girls need to have a special thing every month, and others only care about the anniversary. So whatevs I think your boyfriend is hilarious.

Well, I guess he's not one of those super-fancy materialistic guys. That's good. But he could have at least got you a whole pack

Six months and you buy him a really expensive watch?

Stupid women. Its a six month anniversary, it means literally NOTHING. Get over it.

swooshq 0

Right! I'm a girl and all, but seriously months really don't matter. If it's your somethingith year anniversary then you could complain about condoms. But six months?!? Your life isn't ******...maybe it was a joke : D

It probably meant a lot to her. I think that is fair enough