Why not both?

By Alexandra - 20/09/2011 08:25 - Lebanon

Today, I surprised my boyfriend by buying him an expensive watch for his birthday. He responded with "Aww, you could've just given me head, babe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 617
You deserved it 8 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know you regret having to buy him that watch. Don't lie.


He was just saying you dint have to spend money. I mean it's a little jerkish, but he isn't a jerk, he was just saying you didn't have to go to the trouble with the expensive gift.

I don't think the boyfriend was being unappreciative at all. I think he was just saying that OP didn't have to get him such an expensive gift, because he would have been happy even with something more simple, like head. That doesn't mean he didn't appreciate it!

juston_p 1

He's a shitty boyfriend, but no one wears watches anymore, everyone uses their phone to tell time.

I have to say, I really feel like the boyfriend in this story ****** up. If he hadn't said it out loud like that, he could have had both!

If her boyfriend said something like he's happy but she just didn't have to spend that much money on a gift and rather spend more time with him or have a nice evening idk, he wouldn't sound like a jerk.

That is the stupidest thing I've seen, why would anyone want to spend more time with someone or a nice evening as a present? Those things should already be done on the daily and would therefore not be special. Also, how was he being a jerk for saying what he really wanted head instead of an expensive gift? It's his birthday so it really is about what HE wants. If this had been a woman talking about what she really wanted for her b-day would she be a bitch for saying so?

I'm gonna go with the Winnie the Pooh approach. Yes please to both of them...

kitties_fml 12

If it's your boyfriend's birthday, a ******* goes without saying! Seriously, I'm pretty sure that's just basic girlfriend etiquette. I wouldn't count that as a "gift," I woulda gotten him a watch or whatever too.

ReynshineCutting 10

It goes without saying? So on certain occasions we just bow down and let our men do whatever they want to us regardless of our wants or feelings? And if you're going to do something sexual for your significant other for their birthday, don't you think actual sex is a better idea than just some half assed act to get them off?

Randy84 10

A ******** is a perfectly acceptable birthday gift, hell cause I'm such a great husband I'll have no problem going down on my wife and returning the favor. Although, I'm kinda hopping she give up the bootyhole this year.

ReynshineCutting 10

Ha good luck with that one! You can't blame her for not wanting too. One, ew and two, ow. Just don't be one of those guys that continuously asks for it if she says no. Then you'll just piss her off and you won't get anything!

Randy84 10

For starters, most of the time I'm only half serious with her about it, and fully aware that it's not going to happen. She's read every vulgar comment I've put posted today laughing her ass off the entire time, and is still ready to put out.

Randy84 10

But her being pregnant with my demon child could have something to do with that too.

ReynshineCutting 10

Well that's good you joke a lot. My fiancé knows he'll be castrated if he brings it up. Good luck with your demon child lol.

kitties_fml 12

@ReynshineCutting: oh man, i promise that when i give a birthday ******* it is no half-assed act. and yes, we should, because sometimes they submit to us regardless of their feelings or whatever the **** you said. if you can't think of a time that that's happened, then where exactly is the give and take in your relationship?

ReynshineCutting 10

I don't know but maybe my man and I are just above the norm nowadays. We don't submit to each other. Ever. Not once. We see each other as equals all the time, not just most of the time. If one of us doesn't want to have sex, we don't have sex, no matter the occasion. And what do you mean where's the give and take in our relationship? This might be a new concept for you, but there's more to a relationship than sex. We have plenty of give and take in our relationship. In our sex life, we don't do anything we don't want to do just to make the other person happy. We actually respect each other and do things that make us both happy. Maybe all of this is just how older people see relationships and has been lost on our generation (as has everything else), but it seems like no one gets how relationships are supposed to work these days b

mzwhitaker85 0

what a db... I bought my husband a watch and he baby's it...

Just learn once for all, girls: men are simple minded.