Why not both?

By Alexandra - 20/09/2011 08:25 - Lebanon

Today, I surprised my boyfriend by buying him an expensive watch for his birthday. He responded with "Aww, you could've just given me head, babe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 617
You deserved it 8 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know you regret having to buy him that watch. Don't lie.


insanityangel 1

my boyfriend said the same to me...

That was to six I'm still new to commenting

Sweetie you should know by now that, that is the answer for everything and that in all situations that would suffice for anythin

born_hustla 26

That's real love, he doesn't really care for materials. Take notes! Lol

Flocka_23 14

See? He cares. He'd rather you save your money haha and give him head

Should have just given him head. It's much more desirable.

well at least he's cheap. he's a keeper! lol

At least you know that you're really good at it. ^^