Why not both?

By Alexandra - 20/09/2011 08:25 - Lebanon

Today, I surprised my boyfriend by buying him an expensive watch for his birthday. He responded with "Aww, you could've just given me head, babe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 617
You deserved it 8 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know you regret having to buy him that watch. Don't lie.


How is this an fml? He's just trying to save you some money!

Dude, my bf would be the exact same way. I hate it.

Well that would've saved you money. live and learn.

Omg just give the guy head. If we want somethin we'll buy it .

DisturbedFacade 0

why would you... hang on.... let me put it this way, would you rather have your gf spend probibly YOUR money for YOU on watch when he prob has a cell that TELLS TIME or would you rather be 8 again with the perfect gift that no one else understands why u love? exactly head every time. unless ur #6

oops_im_fucked 8
taurusxdee 10

Lmao. Give him 2 presents, then=]