Why not both?

By Alexandra - 20/09/2011 08:25 - Lebanon

Today, I surprised my boyfriend by buying him an expensive watch for his birthday. He responded with "Aww, you could've just given me head, babe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 617
You deserved it 8 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know you regret having to buy him that watch. Don't lie.


I would of said thx n giving u sum amazing sex

He's right you couldve it would've been cheaper. Messier but cheaper

This guy is a smoooth talker. "Hey Babe, thanks for the watch, let me time you to see how long it takes for you to suck me off."

ReynshineCutting 10

What a douche. He had better be kidding but I doubt it since this is an fml. Time to put him back in his place and teach him some respect and appreciation. Tell him he can use his new watch to keep track of how long it'll be before you even CONSIDER giving him head again. Then make him wait even longer.

betoocastilloo 0

I think that guy and I have the same personality! haha

Why are you complaining?? He gave you a cheaper, and probably more enjoyable, alternative :D

ReynshineCutting 10

How on earth would that at all be enjoyable to OP? I'm hoping you meant more enjoyable for her boyfriend. Some women (myself included) despise giving head.

kitties_fml 12

That's so sad, ReynshineCutting...giving head is so much ******* fun. Everyone who loves dick should love sucking it. I hated it until I became good at it, and I think that's characteristic of lots of "women like you."

ReynshineCutting 10

...and snorting coke is fun for crack heads too. I'll go down on my man sometimes before sex to get him aroused IF he's just showered (if not ew hell no) and believe me I get no complaints on my skill. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean I'm not skilled. Quite the contrary. But enjoying having a **** rammed down your throat is a characteristic of women/****** like you so to each their own.

kitties_fml 12

hahahaha! i genuinely loled, thanks girl

kitties_fml 12

ReynshineCutting, lemme clue you in on something: if you hate giving head, THE GUY CAN TELL, and it makes his experience, despite whatever technical skill you may have, really not very much fun. however, if you love it, it's exciting and hot for both of you.

kitties_fml 12

i won't even comment on the "*****" dig. but i will tell you your comments made me actually laugh out loud.

ReynshineCutting 10

I'm not calling her a ***** because she gives head, I'm saying women who say "giving head is so much ******* fun" is characteristic of a *****. When someone acts like sex is supposed to be all about fun, that comes off as pretty whoreish. I was also unaware that the ****** goes into the penis. I shall look into that! And maybe you were a terrible actress before you liked giving head sweetie, but not everyone is. Like I said, I despise it and have only given him full blown head once, but when I do go down on him to get him aroused he's never had any complaints. Maybe you just weren't skilled yet? But you can definitely hate it and still be good at it and it won't affect how good you are at it.

kitties_fml 12

i can't even be insulted by your ludicrously outdated, misogynistic comments. the definition of a "*****" is someone who receives money or similar compensation in exchange for sexual services, and i can assure you that i have never done this and will never do this. another common interpretation is something along the lines of a woman who's so insecure that she goes around ******* anyone who will have her, or doing so without discretion or standards. that also could not be further from the truth about me. IF YOU REALLY THINK THAT A ***** IS A WOMAN WHO THINKS SEX IS FUN, then yes, i am a *****, but you're a goddamn idiot. (and you're just plain wrong about the last bit. survey all the males you know and get back to me. genuine enthusiasm makes all the difference in a sexual encounter.)

mikechek 3

Dude that's messed if my man did that I would take the watch back buy me something and not do anything with him for a month but that's just me :)

rarememory 7

I would've taken if back and bought me something nice and given him a half ass ******** ;)