Why not both?

By Alexandra - 20/09/2011 08:25 - Lebanon

Today, I surprised my boyfriend by buying him an expensive watch for his birthday. He responded with "Aww, you could've just given me head, babe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 617
You deserved it 8 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know you regret having to buy him that watch. Don't lie.


flyyounggn 0

I don't see where the problem lies

suckstoobeyou 0

At least you know what to get him next year ;)

brokenhelix 4

You should be flattered; your ******** are better than an expensive watch

adela119 0

Wow, if she gives head then by all means do it lol but that would hurt my feelings too...Noope scratch that i gotta temper id prolly blow up his house. Thats all majority guys want nowadays! & half wonder why soo many girls "going" gay now. Lol im just saying you can get the head anytime tho (If she gives it) . @ least show a lil apprecition lol

I thought the FML should have been LOL.. Cuz it was funny n not a FML scenario.