By dating a big bag of dicks - 13/05/2014 21:02 - United States

Today, while driving out to the countryside with my new boyfriend, we came across a deer lying in the road. It seemed badly hurt, but instead of letting me get out and make sure, my boyfriend decided to just run over its head to finish it off, then continued driving with a smirk on his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 480
You deserved it 9 207

Same thing different taste


he sounds like a psycho. you should probably leave him.

Wait, you were going to get out and approach a wounded deer? You must not be or spend time with hunters. While you boyfriend picked a rather grotesque way to put the deer down; he did save you from yourself. Wounded deer tend to kick like crazy when approached or touched. You just don't get that close without a weapon. Its a bad idea.

I really, really hope you mean ex boyfriend.

slick_chris 1

you're dating a serial killer

Omg. I'm just sitting here and saying omg and omg many many times. This is just so horrible! :(

Depending on how hurt it was possibly the most humane thing to do.

While I agree that the smirk was disturbing, it's probably not a good idea to approach an injured wild animal. If it wasn't as injured as you'd initially thought, it could have attacked. Deer can attack people, and it could have done serious damage to you, especially if it was a buck.

He did good, it would have just suffered if he didn't, even if he enjoyed it (Or was relieved to release it from suffering)

He should have moved it out of the road at least, many vehicles can't just "drive over" a deer... I suppose that's a quick but terrifying way to end it's suffering. Maybe the poor thing was grateful for the light? Let's go with that.

I agree with simsgirlgem: if he will do that to the deer, what else is he capable of? Of hurting? You? He sounds like a scary beast.