By dating a big bag of dicks - 13/05/2014 21:02 - United States

Today, while driving out to the countryside with my new boyfriend, we came across a deer lying in the road. It seemed badly hurt, but instead of letting me get out and make sure, my boyfriend decided to just run over its head to finish it off, then continued driving with a smirk on his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 480
You deserved it 9 207

Same thing different taste


Ex-boyfriend right? How does he know he did kill the deer and not put it into even more pain?

OhNoAGhost 18

Wow, you may need to up your standards.

psyonomega 4

your boyfriend is a ******* monster

You must understand how nature works, things die, all you people who live in fairytale worlds who think that him putting it out of its misery is wrong as it could have gotten help, you need to wake up. He did it rather than wait for a vet or cop who would come after an extended period of its suffering and kill it anyway. The smirk may be because he was hiding his emotions or he was proud of himself for doing the right thing. It is never an easy decision to take somethings life, now all of you can go back to eating your packed grocery store meat and think of yourselves as better than this person.

mikaellikestacos 14

In a way it was for the best if it was suffering. but what if it was a derp deer and just was taking a nap!?!?!?!

You do know that dear prob would have ****** you up if you went near it.

Jett_Porkins 8

he did it because deer kick while in pain and if something is coming near it. so it was the right thing to put it out of its misery, but i wouldn't. use my car to kill it

JDMG1994 7