By dating a big bag of dicks - 13/05/2014 21:02 - United States

Today, while driving out to the countryside with my new boyfriend, we came across a deer lying in the road. It seemed badly hurt, but instead of letting me get out and make sure, my boyfriend decided to just run over its head to finish it off, then continued driving with a smirk on his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 480
You deserved it 9 207

Same thing different taste


reggie_k_dwight 16

Probably for the best OP. At least it's not suffering anymore

strangeite 4

I think you're dating a sociopath

Sociopaths plan ahead. Psychopaths are impulsive. Like OPs's, hopefully, ex-boyfriend.

I would have reversed and hit er agen just to make sure XD

x0frnak 13

what a ******* douchebag. that would be enough for me to end things with him- seems emotionless and has no sympathy. sad

I really hope he is no longer your boyfriend

I see nothing wrong with this. He put it out of its misery. He killed a deer. It happens all the time because ppl hunt them. So he smirked about it. People smile after shooting one.

People that revel in pain, suffering and death are the only people who deserve those 3 things for themselves (hunters included). @250 - I suppose you're one of those sad people who think that a deer's life matters less than a human's right? Take a few philosophy/sociology lessons mate, you're still in the middle ages.