By Anonymous - 20/04/2014 04:03 - United States - Meridian

Today, my guide dog sneezed so hard that it slammed its head on the floor and knocked itself out. I have to trust this dog with my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 279
You deserved it 5 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you have to trust this dog with your life? Unless it's a seeing eye dog or something.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

like you've never ran into a glass door


Why do you have to trust this dog with your life? Unless it's a seeing eye dog or something.

Could be a variety of reasons. Guard dog in a bad area, one of those dogs that watches for seizures, seeing eye dog, etc.

It was a seeing eye dog. The mods edited it, I remember voting on this one

Reference #16's comment further down the page. It originally said seeing eye dog.

or it could work with op as a police dog vbn

Some people have such severe allergies that they need a dog nearby to alert them if the substance that they are allergic to is near. This is probably more likely than a seeing eye dog

Maybe this particular dog is a seeing-eye dog, but there are tons of reasons why dogs can be support animals: some watch for seizure activity (epilepsy) , allergies, for people with diabetes there are dogs that detect low blood sugar, autism, mental issues, hearing -- they can be EXTREMELY important and crucial to peoples survival.

In b4 animal cruelty/rights activists comments

it's not animal cruelty when a dog sneezes

Ah yes, 38. I can't count how many times I've been called a monster for allowing my dog to sneeze.

Are you joking? I got ran out of my town with the pitchforks and torches all because my dog sneezed. Can't step back into that town without my head being mounted on a pike. Consider yourself lucky.

classiceagle63 16

Maybe you should but carpet down and give it a helmet.. Just an idea

Dodge4x4Ram 46

like you've never ran into a glass door

classiceagle63 16

Watch the FML person be blind and have a seeing eye dog. Aha

Dog goes through a doggy door leading blind person straight into door.

How would they post this on FML if they were blind?