By CHStennis_4 - 03/09/2011 04:48 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. Because she farted, and thought it was "too awkward". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 316
You deserved it 3 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is this the same girlfriend that gagged after smelling her own armpits?

Maybe she has such an incredible low self-esteem that she thought you couldn't respect/love her anymore because of that fart. It must have been one hell of a fart, wasn't it?


Is this the same girlfriend that gagged after smelling her own armpits?

rein 8

what a stinky excuse to dump someone.

God my girlfriend would of broke up with me years ago

rallets 22

guess you really blew your chances with her, at least you didnt start brown-nosing her

Break up with her. Because you farted and it was "too epic"

krazy_glu3 0

These excuses nowadays for breaking up are just getting crazier and crazier!! "you put my shirts on the wrong type of hangers.... Yeah I'm just going to have to break up with you." wtf?

dannylost521 0

It's a reply within another reply

YDI for hanging around with an immature tart.

lovelife9 12

Boys fart, and girls fluff :)

She probably followed through and wanted to leave.

cyns0_oaSailor 0
cIickhere 5
cyns0_oaSailor 0

Excuses are like ass holes, everyone has one, and they all stink. Op's girlfriend's excuse is no difference

jvillan87 5

39- if you can't handle the maturity level (or lack thereof) on FML, then I don't think this is the right website for you.

hazelnutters 5
hazelnutters 5
Pebbles89 9

#91 haha I agree completely, if the language /crude content / lack of maturity is offensive, then GTFO. kthxbai ^_^

yamatelle 19

Yes, she broke up with him Cos her fart smelled like old, rotten Pi (e). I bet she was embarassed about her Tan(gent) lines she got on her back, too. This is a Sine that she wanted to break up a long time ago. I hope they Co-signed a deal and OP gets everything. Hey, you're the Secant post.

I can't believe that myself. I mean... it's still something normal... eh..

GlitteryMasakali 1

Dumping you was her plan all along but maybe she couldn't find a better, less awkward way to breakup?

WallyTheWombat 0

12- I see what you did there and it's pretty epic.

12- Why you gotta bring geometry into this D:? It was still pretty bad ass though ha

PeaceOutx24 0

you are my hero 12 even tho I hates geometry and trigonometry with a burning passion

Well in my geometry course we went over the trig stuff so I just said geometry.

Pebbles89 9

#12 I want to like your comment x52899926225429233!! Genius!!!

Maybe she has such an incredible low self-esteem that she thought you couldn't respect/love her anymore because of that fart. It must have been one hell of a fart, wasn't it?

Bit it IS awkward. Why wouldn't it be? I hope she reads your post.