By shmarf - 20/06/2015 06:00 - United States - Belton

Today, my girlfriend gave me my first ever blowjob and she surprised me by deciding to swallow. Or so I thought. When she came up to kiss me, she spat my man-milk into my mouth and almost pissed herself laughing when I freaked out and nearly threw up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 863
You deserved it 19 641

Same thing different taste

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sohigh10 34

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Jader1225 0

Not an odd thing at all to kiss after. But spitting anything into someone's mouth is just ******* rude. I had an ex spit in my ear once as "a joke" and I could have punched the bastard.

If you aren't willing to kiss a girl because she had your dick in her mouth, you should probably wash it more often. If you wouldn't put it in your mouth, you shouldn't put it in hers.

How does this have likes? Did you have a stroke or are you just unable to read?

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No, it blows...get it right if you're gonna pun.

Yeah that's the problem, it should have swallowed!

leogachi 15

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rylaii 26

He did say he was surprised about her decision to "swallow"

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ChopSuey444 20

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I would have views it as a new experience. It's sometimes good to be a little spontaneous. It's not like she surprised him with BDSM.

Communication IS key here along with its place in any sexual decision. My SO and I have discussed this before and so have no problem. while I enjoy making him happy,I prefer a warning as I do not want it in my mouth.

I agree to kiss my boyfriend, I don't agree to let him spit in my mouth. It's a consent issue, not a logistics debate. And it was his -first- time; why agree to do something just to turn around and ruin it for them?


As a woman that disgusts me. Anyone who thinks that is funny needs a reality check. Open communication is key to any healthy sexual relationship and she just broke the trust that he had for her. How would she like it if he didn't give her a warning to when is was finishing and made her swallow it? or didn't pull out or wear a condom because he thought her freaking out would be hilarious? I slap someone if they did that to me.

She was being spontaneous. She could have done thongs a lot worse than that.

leogachi 15

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leogachi 15

@120 take their own fluids into their own mouth.

i see women not defending the in females restored

#120 "It just seems a little unfair to me that the person receiving oral would react so negatively when the other person wants them to". 1- nothing in this FML suggests OP put any kind of pressure on his gf to swallow 2- it is NOT selfish to want some sort of sexual activity performed on you while not wanting to perform it on yourself. This will be a little graphic but I enjoy it when my fiance goes down on me. I would NOT be ok with it if he stuck his fingers in or something and then shoved them in my mouth to make me taste myself - Especially without some kind of communication or discussion or something. There is NOTHING selfish or 'unfair' about that. It's plain gross, not funny and immature. How you think otherwise is beyond me.

It's called being spontaneous you prudes.

sounds like a question someone without sexual experience or someone underage would ask. very idiotic.

Noodlezzzzz 5

Idiot... he was clearly fine with kissing her it was the shock of suddenly having a million of his salty ass children in his mouth!

We don't want your faith you can keep it.

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Can you swallow that this is 2015 and women don't really care what men think is rude anymore?

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expertsmilee 26

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You know #5 your name suits you perfectly because you sound exactly like a cad.

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nitrog100 21

By that logic, no heterosexual should ever have sex. It's not like he refused to perform oral sex on her; he took issue with having his own semen unexpectedly spat in his mouth.

JayVicious 20

so what you are saying is he should eat her out then spit her juice in her mouth? either way it would be immature and disgusting. unless they talked about it before hand and they each agreed to taste thier own brand.

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rylaii 26

I would say it is disrespectful. He didn't ask get to she decided to. I think he was just glad he was getting a ******** and not expecting anything from her.

Then he shouldn't really be agreeing to any sexual activity. I realize that people need to talk about some of the things they do, but it's just a little cum.

ChopSuey444 20

#27 . . . so . . . it IS respectful to spit it IN HIS MOUTH instead of being a normal person and beforehand discussing with him that she doesn't like semen and would prefer him ejaculate elsewhere? No one should have any argument on this girl's behalf. It's gross. It's rude. It's childish.

I wouldn't mind. It's not like she tried to stick a needle in him. It's just cum.

Not so much disrespectful as just messed up.

47 youre awesome for not standing on the side of the gf because "sisterhood"

JayVicious 20

#21 it would have been respectful not to spit in his mouth. #27 its not really the same. if he was complaining about eating her out and not wanting her juice in his mouth then your argument would make sense. comments like yours are whats wrong with humanity. dont white knight for someone that is clearly in the wrong. I fel like if the genders were switched in this fml everyone would be calling the spitter disgusting.

Hell yeah I do! Men want women to swallow but they should know how horrendous it is! Bleck!

I've seen more guys want to eat a girl out than girls actually want to be eaten out. That's all on you.

If you're make, there's an easy way to find out. I understand that people taste different, though, and that the flavour is affected by diet: plenty of fruit and veg is advisable, and backing off on meat and dairy.

Well I dunno about OP but I can tell you, and I'm sure the majority of people with experience would agree, it's pretty bloody awful.

I wouldn't say it was bad tasting (although it varies from man to man) but it is quite strong tasting, (bitter, musky and salty would be my best attempt to describe!). That, along with the consistency, doesn't make it the nicest thing to land in your mouth without warning.

Well, in my experience it isn't so bad as everyone else said it was. But I guess that's because my bf rarely eats meat, his diet mostly consists of pasta, sweets and fruit. So it's really not that bad, it's just a little salty and it doesn't leave an aftertaste or anything.

For me it's not the taste that grosses me out (I find that it doesn't taste of much), just the feel of it in my mouth and the warmness of it... blegh

@everyone on this thread, smell is 90% of taste. Meaning if you've ever smelled it, you've basically tasted it. Mystery solved.

I find it smells pretty different to it tastes, maybe I'm odd, but it tastes way more tangy!

cryssycakesx3 22

63, my bf is a veg too, I find it to be quite the opposite. not completely unbearable especially if you find other sexy things to do with it.

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ChopSuey444 20

What? What did he do? How dare he receive oral?

#10 I'm just curious how in the world is this OP'S fault? why did he deserve it? OP wrote that his girlfriend decided to give him his first ever *******, he didn't ask her to swallow in fact he even said that he was surprised when he thought that she had, then she turns around and spits it into his mouth with out warning him or talking about before hand. Communication is key in a relationship especially when you start having intercourse with someone. I'm sorry your first ******** didn't end quite the way you wanted it to OP maybe better luck next time.

AJTrask 8

Nothing says that he was pressuring her into swallowing or even giving a *******. If she initiated it, how did he have it coming for him?

TheHillfam84 7

I don't even understand that, why would he deserve it!? He never wanted her to swallow in the first place. If he was a jerk and demanded that then yeah he would deserve it.

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Woah, calm down there, no need to bring in Jesus into this, especially considering we are dealing with ********!

I really hope your gf does this to you, 11. Whilst it's not necessarily a great thing for OPs gf to have done, it's not worth any more than a 'can you not do that ever again' - it's certainly not worth violence and to say anything of the sort does nothing to help the causes of women who are in domestic violence situations.