It's sus to us

By Jenn - 30/12/2023 16:00 - United States

Today, I caught my husband slapping my sister’s butt. When I confronted them, he defended himself saying he was just testing the “quality of the material of her new leggings.” Apparently, they’re “looking great.” He still doesn’t see what he did wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 649
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did your sister react? If she wasn't uncomfortable or offended then you may want to pay attention to what's going on there. Sorry he's a dick but a lawyer can easily fix the problem for you.

if she wasn't shocked or offended, it's time to call a lawyer


How did your sister react? If she wasn't uncomfortable or offended then you may want to pay attention to what's going on there. Sorry he's a dick but a lawyer can easily fix the problem for you.

easybree 10

UM??! girl divorce!! that’s your sister!!

if she wasn't shocked or offended, it's time to call a lawyer

EricW 4

Slapping an ass is no big deal… grow up!

What are we in the middle ages???!!? What right does he have to slap someone else's body part? This is just sick!

Chances are his blowing your sisters back out.