By MsCobb - 16/02/2013 15:27 - United States - Columbus

Today, my father gave me his blessing to be married on one condition: that I keep my maiden name when I marry. My fiancé thought it would be "epic". My last name will be hyphenated to Cobb-Webb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 364
You deserved it 6 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WhisperSoflty 20

Have a daughter. Name her Charlotte.

OhMinty 5


Not to sound rude, but please spare your child the fate of having a double last name. There are alot of them where I live, and although the idea behind it is cute, it just sounds awful and is annoying to write.

beanthemouse 13

I would love to have a name as funny as that. Heck, I wish my last name was "Focker" or somthing.

Just make it Webb-Cobb without telling them until the paperwork is complete.

You don't necessarily have to do what he says... But it would be pretty damn bad ass.

sugarbear0727 19

He doesn't decide what you do in your life. I wouldn't ask. Either they accept your decision, or they aren't invited.

sugarbear0727 19

Lots of name stories. When I was born my brother named me after Casey, the blonde who wears a hockey mask, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And my younger sister is Sarah Lee.

That's awesome. I think I would do that, if I were you! Cobb and Webb, eh? Sounds like you guys are meant to be XD

birds_fml 7

Don't hyphenate dummy, just keep your maiden name. You don't need your husband's name you know.