Romance in Appalachia

By HereWeGoAgain - 22/09/2017 13:00

Today, my mother beamingly asked for my opinion on her wedding dress. She is engaged to her cousin. Conveniently, they already have the same last name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 154
You deserved it 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is this not the first relative she's married? Just taking notice of your username.

IAmClay 24

I incest you tell us why though


IAmClay 24

I incest you tell us why though

Zachary8261 28

What the absolute **** is wrong with your family? Specifically your mom.

Is this not the first relative she's married? Just taking notice of your username.

I guess this proves one thing. It is indeed possible to type with webbed fingers.

I used to work with a lady who was on marriage #6. Anyways, marriage #4 she married her daughters ex husband. So her former sun in law.

Lobby_Bee 17

So, this is just a really awkward family gathering.

Deabee 5

You should be more supportive of your mother. Humans have a long history of marrying cousins, and birth defects are not likely to arise from these unions unless several generations of cousins have reproduced. Besides that, if your mother is past the point of more kids there's really no issue at all.

Chris Smith 9

In the past when we were more genetically diverse? sure. but nowadays family's are too genetically similar.

On the plus side, there will be no hassles about bride’s side/groom’s side seating — it’ll be just one big mosh pit of similar DNA.

sometimes it's just better to keep it in the family.

And other times you should outsource child production.