By xXfloatingshitlogXx - 03/11/2012 16:04 - Norway - Jessheim

Today, my extremely overweight roommate decided to not only be a nudist, but also to get in shape for his new lifestyle. He's been doing naked lunges in our room for the last twenty minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 167
You deserved it 2 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brittanyrmh_ 12

Well, on the bright side, think about what he'll look like when he loses weight!


^ Honestly do you ever reply about the original comment or do you just try to get people to see your comments?

Yes I do. Thank you for your concern, though.

Giant green eyes. Aghh best compliment everrrr :3

I think he's running on energizer batteries. Somebody snipe the energizer bunny!

Ugh, why have i been assigned a Justin Bieber picture!?! >_

brittanyrmh_ 12

Well, on the bright side, think about what he'll look like when he loses weight!

I think he still doesn't want to see an only slightly obese guy exercising naked.

^ Screw not checking the gender before making an assuming comment :(

unknown_user5566 26

50- Regardless of the gender, you're right. I doubt she wants her male roommate prancing around the house naked, no matter what size he is.

Unless she's dating him, why is she roommates with a man?

60- so what you are saying is that men and women aren't allowed to save money together? If OP doesn't want to pay rent all by herself, God forbid that she does

*God forbid that she finds a roommate on the internet who happens to have a penis ( or other way around).

I always had male roommates, lived with my now ex-fiance, and I'm a female. Now I live alone but I didn't know people think it is an issue for opposite sexes to roommate together of they aren't a couple. I also agree with this thread that I don't think OP wants to see her roommate naked, even when he gets in shape.

I'm not saying its bad. I'm saying, if she has a issue with her male roommate exercising nude, than why dose she have a male roommate. I honestly wouldn't care if I had a male roommate and he was exercising nude but I would ask him to please do it someplace more privet like his room or the bathroom.

Looks like you'll get used to wearing a blindfold pretty quick.

doglover100 28

At least he's trying to loose weight.

hippo1234 19

Loose is what his skin will be when he loses the weight ;)

"I went on the subway diet, ya know? Carbs are the enemy, ya know? Now I got all this loose skin, and my neck looks like a ******!"

^ when that part of the movie happened, it was the first time I saw my dad literally fall over laughing.

This is truly a "**** your life" moment. Sorry boss.

You know OP, your roommate is a real inspiration. You shouldn't be on here complaining, you should be encouraging him, joining in his efforts, even!

It's not a real inspiration to be that inconsiderate of your roommates. There's a time and a place for everything.

Oh for heavens sake, it really shouldn't be that difficult to see the dripping sarcasm! You fool! You foolish fool! >:(

offer him some french fries, he'll stop