Oi bruv, you 'avin' a laugh?

By Anonymous - 28/01/2022 07:59 - United Kingdom

Today, as the shop is right round the corner, and I couldn’t be arsed changing, I kept my boob tube on under my jacket. Of course, at the shop, I slipped on spilled water and as I went down the tube came down as well, and I ended up lying there with my tits out for a group of teenagers to laugh at. FML
I agree, your life sucks 757
You deserved it 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You kept your television under your jacket to conceal your breasts? I'm so confused.

got to admit, this one has me confused 😕


You kept your television under your jacket to conceal your breasts? I'm so confused.

got to admit, this one has me confused 😕

It's tube-shaped and women wear it over their boobs, but Americans insist on calling it a tube top rather than a boob tube since for some reason they think that is a better description for the TV.

rotflqtms_ 21

Whenever I don't put on a shirt to go to the store... in the middle of winter... I usually zip up my jacket...no bra, no shirt, just a jacket. never had this issue since the jacket is zipped all the way up. Now...if someone were to unzip my jacket...that would be an issue... but no one should be touching me anyway...

vibexeno 7

wait that was you?it was pretty ******* funny ngl