By burned - 24/05/2009 13:44 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was cooking me dinner. He walked away and I decided to help by giving the pan of veggies a sautee flip. My boyfriend failed to mention that he had just pulled that pan out of a 500 degree oven. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 112
You deserved it 64 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if he walked away then why is it his fault for not mentioning how hot it was?


#21 it could easily have been a cast iron skillet or even stainless with a stainless handle. It really isn't that out there of an idea. Have you ever cooked anything other than easy mac?

And this is why women shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen. Wait, what?

Bloodrush 0
AntiChrist7 0

he wants to do something for you, and you still want to correct him. You're a pesky knows-it-all-better.

He probably would have mentioned it if he knew you were going to do that. Well done for blaming your boyfriend.

I agree with #8, don't blame your boyfriend. He didn't know he should have mentioned it just came out of the oven..if you see any pan with food in it that is being cooked put on a oven mit or get a pot holder before you just go over and grab it.

what does your boyfriend have to do with it? he was supposed to be making dinner, not you so why would he tell you the pan is hot? your an idiot.

your_mother 0

your boyfriend was cooking you for dinner?

noshitsherlock 0

HAHAHHAAHA YOU DESERVE IT. Good job! That's what you get for just interfering behind his back. Durrrrr did he ask for help? NO, so you deserve it!!!!