By burned - 24/05/2009 13:44 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was cooking me dinner. He walked away and I decided to help by giving the pan of veggies a sautee flip. My boyfriend failed to mention that he had just pulled that pan out of a 500 degree oven. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 112
You deserved it 64 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if he walked away then why is it his fault for not mentioning how hot it was?


Awe, sweet! But it aint his fault, neither is it yours... This aint a FML, just a blonde moment =P

lmmmr 0

#21- Agreed. There's no reason you would see a frying pan and assume that it came out of the oven. That's ridiculous.

Since the veggies had obviously already been in the oven, why the hell wouldn't you assume the pan was at least a bit hot? And #21 I'm pretty sure you'd ruin a frying pan by putting it in the oven... Also, the handles are generally insulated in some way and would probably melt off in an oven. So that's a stupid assumption to make. Trying to flip something in an oven-pan is a bit daft, but not as ridiculous as putting a frying pan in the oven.

Not if it's heavy cookware (sp?).. I have cast iron pans (all cast iron, from the bottom of the pan to the tip of the handel) that can very well be used in an oven.

Oh yeah, because trying to sauté something that was just out of the oven is definitely smart. YDI.

YDI. Should have put your hands NEAR the pan to see if it was hot or not.

BulldogQB4 0

Idk, I generally assume things might be hot. My hand generally detects if it's hot if the pan is 500 degrees. Good for you for trying to help out, but damn, use common sense please, you'll live longer.

Totally the OP's fault. What's ridiculous is the fact that women can't go into a kitchen without tampering with food, whether it's being cooked for them or not, (something I can vouch for as my gf is a prime perpetrator of this kind of thing). If someone's doing something for you, just get out of their way, otherwise you're making them feel bad for doing it, or just generally pissing them off undermining their efforts. 25>>It is totally normal to put a frying pan in the oven, for instance if you want to finish off an omelette or something like that. Stop trying to defend peoples stupidity.

so its his fault for not telling you? did he ask for your help? the answer is no to both of them. YDI retard

...So apparently there are recipes that require a frying pan in the oven. How exciting, I've learned something new today. Seems a bit pointless to me, but whatever. Another point to the OP though: Either you were in the kitchen for a while, and therefore should have seen him take the pan out. Or you'd just walked into the kitchen, in which case your boyfriend had no reason to have warned you of anything, and you should have just left it alone.