By duhitskelly94 - 24/05/2009 14:48 - United States

Today, I drove 150 miles to see one of my favorite singers in concert. Before I got out of the car I checked to make sure I had the tickets. Did I have the tickets? Yes. Were they for today's concert? Nope. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 860
You deserved it 57 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pounce 0

And you didn't check before you left because....?

Why would you check after you got there?? YDI


Pounce 0

And you didn't check before you left because....?

exactly - what was the sense in checking right in front of the venue

i do things like this alll the time..

Why would you check after you got there?? YDI

Y didn't u check the tickets b4 u left? I can't even imagine how much money ur gonna have to spend on gas money.

Julle_fml 0

Hopefully you got there a few days early instead of a few days late.

rawrsaysdino 0

hopefully they weren't for a couple days before! FYL