By burned - 24/05/2009 13:44 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was cooking me dinner. He walked away and I decided to help by giving the pan of veggies a sautee flip. My boyfriend failed to mention that he had just pulled that pan out of a 500 degree oven. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 112
You deserved it 64 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if he walked away then why is it his fault for not mentioning how hot it was?


It's a pan. You always should wonder if it's hot.

Ok this is a lie of you were burned you wouldn't be able to type FAKE ALERT!

Failed to mention???? As if this is his fault? How about you ******* pay attention next time you dumbass.

dumbbbb 0

if he was in the middle of cooking dinner most likely he had just taken them out of the oven. If this were true, it would be you're own dumb fault for interfering anyway..

rssffff08 0

women need to be in control of everything

dumbbbb 0

btw #50 is the funniest thing i have ever read!!

lobstar 0

As someone who makes a lot of meals at home I can tell you nothing pisses me off more than when someone tries to interfere with what I'm doing in the kitchen. YDI it for trying to be nosy and "helping" by giving the vegetables a flip when they clearly did not need it. What did you think that one flip would accomplish? Why were you even in the kitchen at all? Go watch TV and let him do his thing and stop being so controlling.

YDI, it's not that unusual for a frying pan to go in the oven, and besides, an active pan with food being cooked in it WILL BE HOT! And also, let the man cook for you, he's being nice enough to do it so let him have his peace.

Hmmm...while I do agree with most of the comments I still think he could have said something...if he noticed that she was on her way to the kitchen when he was on his way out he could have said "don't touch the pan it's hot" I sometimes help my husband cook, or my Mom when I visit her, even though they're supposed to cook dinner and I would NEVER assume that the HANDLE of a frying pan is hot...because it's not supposed to be when the pan is on the stove...and if she didn't know he had it in the oven then why would she think "Oh maybe I shouldn't touch the handle of the pan it might be hot" I wouldn't blame the boyfriend, but I also wouldn't really say she deserved it.