By burned - 24/05/2009 13:44 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was cooking me dinner. He walked away and I decided to help by giving the pan of veggies a sautee flip. My boyfriend failed to mention that he had just pulled that pan out of a 500 degree oven. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 112
You deserved it 64 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if he walked away then why is it his fault for not mentioning how hot it was?


HE failed to mention it? YDI completely.

wtf why was he cooking anything at 500 degrees, i bet your hands aren't the only thing that pan burned~

TryToBeKind 0

If he's going to cook you dinner, the least you can do is pay attention. You deserved it.

i don't think she was saying it was his fault, she was just saying she didn't know... and she probably burnt herself pretty bad... have some compassion

YDI If he's cooking you dinner let him take care of it and don't interfere

dont blame him especially if hes cooking dinner @80 haha YDI unless you two cook together as a bonding activity or something, idk, then itd be his fault

i didnt even think ovens went past 475....and he's cooking veggies at 500 degrees because...????

Hahaha...FYL, but you sorta deserved it all the same. the funny thing is, if the boyfriend had written the FML, I bet most people would have said HE deserved it for not letting her know :P

I don't think you bake vegetables at 500 degrees, I'm pretty sure they would burn within minutes and especially not in a frying pan and cooked again after being supposedly baked at 500 degrees.

Svelgin 7

You roast vegetables in an oven. And she never said the stove was on, only that she went to give it a flip.