By burned - 24/05/2009 13:44 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was cooking me dinner. He walked away and I decided to help by giving the pan of veggies a sautee flip. My boyfriend failed to mention that he had just pulled that pan out of a 500 degree oven. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 112
You deserved it 64 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if he walked away then why is it his fault for not mentioning how hot it was?


1st, thats an impossibly hot oven, 2nd you fail on so many levels here. Thankfully burned hands will keep you out of the kitchen for a while.

Why the hell would your boyfriend have told you that it was hot? You can't just assume that your boyfriend knows that you're about to sautee flip his veggies without telling him.

And you needed someone to tell you that ovens are hot? Did you also need someone to operate the computer for you?

"my boyfriend was cooking me dinner." wait.... what?

cxal_fml 0

If it was a cast iron, the pan would have burned her even if the entire cooking had been done on the stove top

the man's cooking for you, don't interfere YDI

don't blame it on him... how was he to know you thought it'd be fun to do a "sautee flip"? I agree with #90 - he was cooking you dinner, so let him

AngryC4t 0

"My boyfriend failed to mention that he had just pulled that pan out of a 500 degree oven." Yeah, its all his fault, huh? YDI.

ch_kisama 0

YDI next let someone do something nice for you

vag_fml 0

so., don't sautee with a pan. should have been the first give away... second, YOU DONT GRAB A PAN. DOUCHE.