By Anonymous - 28/01/2015 19:28 - United States - El Dorado Hills

Today, my boyfriend and I went to the local park for some romantic time together. By the time we left, I'd been called a pedo and a cradle robber, and been given several dirty looks. I'm 31. My boyfriend is 30 and just very baby-faced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 941
You deserved it 2 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Males generally don't look their age as much as women do I feel like. It could also mean your boyfriend is a hottie so congrats.

Maybe some facial hair would help? Besides that, try to ignore the stares. As long as you're not doing anything wrong, then you shouldn't need to feel insecure, and those people can mind their own business.


Males generally don't look their age as much as women do I feel like. It could also mean your boyfriend is a hottie so congrats.

Lizardgirl 7

I wish that were true. I'm a twenty year old woman but I look like I'm fifteen. And without makeup on I've had little twelve year olds come to me thinking I'm their age. It's rough.

kirbs19 37

Make up tends to make women look older

Speak for yourself. I'm in my mid 20's and am getting asked out by teenage boys at least once a month...

I'm 24 and got told off at work once for them "hiring a middle schooler".

I work night shifts at a casino and get asked if its passed my bedtime. I'm 23

Leprekhaun 14
Hiimhaileypotter 52

I'm 19 and at work I'm always asked why I'm not in school. When I say I'm in college they tell me I look like I'm 15. I don't really mind it though, I'll look like I'm 35 when I'm 45! :D

I know how you feel #51. I'm 21 and look exactly the same as I did when I was 10. I always get asked how old I am and no one ever believes me even when I show my ID

skyttlz 32

I'm 20 and I get mistaken for 16/17 all the time. Last year when I was 19 I actually had someone think I was 13. I hate it because I don't get taken as seriously.

jojimugo 20

How young does your boyfriend look ?damm

Doesn't really matter, sadly. If the man is younger in the relationship, it's immediately seen as bad. :/ It's a problem my wife and I deal with quite often; she's older than I am, and people like to remind her of it.

Wow, sounds like there are a lot of judgemental people about! Sorry to hear that OP

Maybe some facial hair would help? Besides that, try to ignore the stares. As long as you're not doing anything wrong, then you shouldn't need to feel insecure, and those people can mind their own business.

cadillacgal79 32

Forget facial hair, wouldn't the height difference between a 30 year old man and a young boy be a major factor?

#35 not necessarily. My husband is shorter than me so when he shaves his face he honestly looks like he could be 15-16 when really he is 27.

TaylorWhiteGirl 15

Most likely if he has a baby face, he can't grow much facial hair. Unfortunately.

Epikatz 22

#5, When I first read your comment, I thought you were suggesting facial hair for her. I know that's not what you meant, but it made me chuckle. kudos.

Don't let others ruin your relationship! Jealousy sucks and obviously they're just lashing out because they aren't happy with their own life and you seem to be with a young (attractive) man! Keep doing you!

Ah, jealousy… That magical catch-all rationalization that simple people use when they feel threatened. I'm fairly certain that actual jealousy is not at work here.

RMLrapemylife 14

plot twist: bf is actually a very large baby..

Didn't say whether he's 30 years or 30 months, though. /sarcasm

To be fair, 30 is pretty large for a baby.

nakagi 4

number 12, there's something called a joke

#56, there's also something called bad jokes.

#57 There's also something called giving a serious response to bad jokes is as lame as telling the bad joke in the first place.

Roskosity 22

I read this while at the park with my year younger bf. Now he won't stop calling me pedo and cradle robber. Thanks.

Epikatz 22

For clarification, we were at the park and she read me the FML, and I proceeded to tease her about it. Not hard to understand.

#39, TBH she looks a lot younger than you, though.. but that means you win! Congrats on the hot gf!

Roskosity 22

Yeah. I get 18-19 a lot. Hear that babe? They think I'm hot. ;)

I can understand people thinking certain things, but why bother getting in the way if two people are happy? Even in the hypothetical case if you were older, OP, if you two are in love and of age... Go for it. Only you two are in the relationship therefore only you two matter. **** what other people say. My mom is older than my dad, and they are the strongest and most loving couple I know.

Oh my Gosh that's what I'm saying! My mums 10 years older then my dad (I know its a lot) but he was like 26 and she was 36 and they have no problem that he's younger. She looks and acts a lot younger then she is and I mean common they are the happiest couple ever and they set a great examples for how a relationship should be.

My parents were 10 years apart as well and my dad proposed within 3 hours of meeting my mom and she said yes! Crazy to think she was 18 but that's true love works ?

Sounds indeed like something an 8-year old would do! Nice to hear everything worked out well :)

In this case age is only a number. You two are in love and shouldn't let a few ignorant people stop that. Ignore the stares, OP.