By AcademicAdvisor - 25/04/2016 20:14 - United States - Boston

Today, a student pooped his pants in my office. I work with undergrad and graduate students. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 890
You deserved it 1 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Secretly awaiting the student's FML "Today, I accidentally pooped my pants in my professor's office due to food poisoning. FML"

CheekyRaccoon 27

Her gaze was cold as ice, none dared to challenge her authority. Those who have ventured to her chambers wished they hadn't. Some have been know to release their bowels when looked at by her chilling gaze. She takes academics seriously.


Secretly awaiting the student's FML "Today, I accidentally pooped my pants in my professor's office due to food poisoning. FML"

Isn't fearful respect what every teacher dreams of?

Well that's a shitty situation... sorry, I had too.

You make an overused pun and you don't even bother to use proper grammar?

nityasomaiya 46

You've just gotta make sure where...

I gas it was an accident. F the students life.

CheekyRaccoon 27

Her gaze was cold as ice, none dared to challenge her authority. Those who have ventured to her chambers wished they hadn't. Some have been know to release their bowels when looked at by her chilling gaze. She takes academics seriously.

Jesus, did the kid have a health condition or something?

As someone who is plagued with arather serious case of Ulcerative Colitis, this was actually my first thought too. Sadly, this possibly could happen to me. I try to not let the general public know just how bad I am and I can totally see my stubbornness putting me in a similar situation. Feel sorry for both parties here.

He doesn't. And he is being investigated for malicious pooping. Quite literally shouting 'this is bullshit' and then pooping on a chair- I doubt that there's a physical disability involved.

Tbh **** the students life, they probably had food poisoning and that must have been so embarrassed

You don't know how embarrassing something like that is unless you've done it. The student may suffer from a medical condition like Crohns, IBS, or Ulcerative Colitis... From someone that has UC in their 20's, it happens.

fpants2010 18

I second this. I've had an intestinal disease since I was 22 and coming close to pooping my pants is an almost daily occurrence.

writergirl1029 17

I have IBS. I once pooped my pants on my way to class in college. They were white shorts.

For the record: the student does not have a disability or health problem. And the school is investigating if the student had actually done it on purpose as a form harassment against the staff/faculty member.

Almost 28 and was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at 19. I feel ya man. Had a situation myself, was walking home from my job when the erge hit. I was directly in the middle of either destination and didn't make it. Fortunately I was going home so I was saved from a more public incident.