By Not his SunShine anymore - 10/07/2016 23:04 - United States - Manchester

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me over something that happened 5 years ago. We've only been together for 2 years as of this July. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 729
You deserved it 1 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This rather depends on the "something"! If you're responsible for the massacre of 10,000 infants then YDI really.

Similar thing happened to my friend and her dumbass ex. He called her every name under the sun, after he went creeping through her FB messages when she was asleep and found that she made out with our other friend's brother once 2 years before getting with him. It was infuriating how mentally and emotionally abusive he was to her. If your boyfriend was like this to you OP, leave and never go back!!


Why the hell didn't he talk to you about it? if it bothered him that much to break up with you, why the hell did he get with you in the first place? Do you think he's just using it as an excuse to break up with you?

mariri9206 32

I think he was using as an excuse to break up with OP. If not, either way, breaking up with OP from something five years ago is a jerk move.

well if I would find out my partner killed someone 5 years even if i just knew him for two, it would be a damn good reason to break up. some things are worth breaking up, even if it happened before the relationship. if you have some strict morals regarding some things it might be reasonable. but then again maybe OPs boyfriend is just a jerk.

This rather depends on the "something"! If you're responsible for the massacre of 10,000 infants then YDI really.

Op chopped the balls off of her previous boyfriend for infidelity, smart move for current boyfriend. ;)

Similar thing happened to my friend and her dumbass ex. He called her every name under the sun, after he went creeping through her FB messages when she was asleep and found that she made out with our other friend's brother once 2 years before getting with him. It was infuriating how mentally and emotionally abusive he was to her. If your boyfriend was like this to you OP, leave and never go back!!

So what happened? Did he found out the **** u starred in or u have slept with someone he knows, or where u the one telling his ex that he was cheating on her? Not to be rude, personally I would not be upset about anything from the past except maybe if u had spread lies about something. But feel we need more info about a YDI or FML

mermaidgirle 12

How is doing a ****, or sleeping with someone else before he came into her life a reason? That's his business as it's sexual history. But history IS the key word.

Girls always want sexual history to be history even when it happened this morning. "Well that's in the past." The fact is that people care about sexual history. Normal rational people care about sexual history. That's why some people try to keep it a secret.

Deffinetly need more information here. But regardless that's a jerk move on his part.

Why? Without knowing what that something is, there is no way to know if he was justified or not.

He just made that excuse to break up with. Sorry OP.

Well yeah, it was your 5 year wedding anniversary. I'd leave too. But really I feel we need more info. Just because something happened in the past, doesn't mean it can't have a bearing on the present.

Did you bang his cat 6 years ago? If yes, i would say breaking up with you was a reasonable decision.

So.. banging someone's cat is the main reason for breakups amongst your friends?

Well would you want to be with someone who ***** animals?

I don't really like FMLs like this one. Breaking up with someone over something that happened before they got together can be reasonable depending on what said thing was.

That's is true unless it's keep coming up and on different levels as well. my ex slept with an old friend of mine and all then get with me and people who know keep bring up questions and she would just do a dirty smile to him and say who am I with. with that said it so the real question is what did OP past dp with now if it's something like mine it's both fml and yfi.

What I'm getting is you're upset with her because...other people kept bringing up she slept with your friend?