Get me out of here

By Anonymous - 06/01/2022 20:01

Today, I got a new name, which is “We” apparently. My supervisor keeps admonishing me about details, saying, “WE don’t do that” and, “WE make sure to do this”, while she herself simply does anything she pleases, including the opposite of what she tells me “we do”. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 004
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never go to HR. HR are the henchmen of the bosses. If you have a real issue, get your own lawyer.

Queen Elizabeth II also calls herself "we," so you are in good company. I'm getting sick and tired of hearing employees complain about the rank hypocrisy of their bosses. It's the way the ******' world works. If you're so indignant, start your own company to compete with your former boss's, hire people and then behave in a very consistent and equitable manner. When you company crushes hers, then you'll get your victory and not in the comments section populated by trolls.


Queen Elizabeth II also calls herself "we," so you are in good company. I'm getting sick and tired of hearing employees complain about the rank hypocrisy of their bosses. It's the way the ******' world works. If you're so indignant, start your own company to compete with your former boss's, hire people and then behave in a very consistent and equitable manner. When you company crushes hers, then you'll get your victory and not in the comments section populated by trolls.

Never go to HR. HR are the henchmen of the bosses. If you have a real issue, get your own lawyer.

I don't often agree with him, but he is right. HR is hired by a company to resolve worker issues in the company... but why the **** would a company hire someone to cost them more money... union reps sometimes work for the workers, but often to the minimum. also, in most cases your bosses job is to tell YOU what and how to do things. it's called failing up, they were promoted out of what they don't know how to do.

randybryant799 20

I don't know why people don't understand that the boss or supervisor can do whatever they want. They are in charge.

I really hope you're being sarcastic.

rudico67 8

But a true leader would set an example, unlike the superintendent of my school corporation. Teachers are not allowed to miss the last school day before Christmas break or we get our pay docked, however, the superintendent, knowing that rule does not apply to HER, was absent that day. Yeah, she's the boss, but that's not very professional and it's not setting a good example. She definitely does not inspire her underlings