By Lost - 14/01/2010 15:57 - United States

Today, it was my 18th birthday. Nobody said anything. Gillette sent me a free razor though. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 288
You deserved it 3 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aero_fml 0

It's actually a decent razor...

I got one for my 18th birthday also. how weird.


I thought it was hilarious that Gillette does that. I got two of them as well.. one on my 18th, and on my 19th. They should've sent me some alcohol on my 21st for those standards.

Reyo 2

Question: Did you tell anyone that your birthday was today before hand, or did you just expect everyone to read your mind? I get your family, but you can't expect your friends to know if you don't tell them. Hell, I don't even know half my friend's birthdays. It isn't because I don't care, it's because it's never come up in the conversation. Have you ever once said "Hey, my birthday's next week"?

shave ur happy place and get sex for free from a prostitute.

zendaddy0 0
PaulG10 0

(using a useless comment to bring myself to the top... idc) dude its my birthday today too :D:D:D but people said things. i hope your birthday turns out to be awesome :D!

lolrawr114 0

It was my 18th birthday too! :D

allocomrade 0 was my 18th on jan 14th three....damn

StiffPvtParts 43

I didn't get anything for my 18th birthday... not even a 'happy birthday' from any of my family. I would've been happier if I at least got something like OP did (._.)

ya but christmas isnt something personal to you. if they forget about christmas then they are retarded but it wouldnt mean anything to u, however if someone important forgot your birthday thats just a slap in the face

aero_fml 0

It's actually a decent razor...

CallMeMcFeelii 13

It is haha. I still have mine from a year ago. Gillette is such a nice company.

I got one for my 18th birthday also. how weird.

lol I got one too, kinda creepy but great advertising technique

zeeman2015 22

me do they do it haha

CoolKidsNvrDie 0

I thought this FML was making a suicide undertone, but nobody else appears to think so...

mshafty 0

Seriously! I can't help but think the OP is going to cut their wrists with that free razor

I didn't think anyone got straight razors these days; their like collectors items. I figured the OP will have it too tough slicing his wrists with a safety razor.

There are ways to get the blades out. It's not impossible. o;

Why not just buy a pack of blades or find a new one instead of trying to get a razor apart?

Hahaha this comment made this FML so much better for me.

Not bad... those razors are getting expensive.

Later: AGGoddess told me I might get a suprise party tonight. Nothing happened, except some free shaving cream from Gillette for my razor. FML