Not now!

By Ineedit - 26/02/2010 17:46 - United States

Today, my husband and I were going to have sex for the first time since having our baby, who was taking a nap. As soon as we lay down in bed, his mother rang saying she was five minutes away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 106
You deserved it 2 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

masterblaster39 0

according to my wife.....******** only take 4 minutes!


masterblaster39 0

according to my wife.....******** only take 4 minutes!

The first time you have sex after the baby should be about her! Blow jobs on demand are for the last month of pregancy. (And either your wife is damned lazy or damned good because I can't make it happen in less than 15 minimum!)

22cute 17

I love you #65! Op, don't waste time laying down in bed next time! Do it on the kitchen table & for Gods sake don't answer the phone!!! Priorities!

enormouselephant 15

No, no, no 65, he said GETTING A *******, not masturbating to the thought of one. I see where you got that confused.

vikingchick 22

I wish it was that quick for my bf!

"Lay" is to put something down, while "lie" is to put yourself down! ;)

kelleyb323 0

gasp! you had a spelling error! you should have wrote change not changed

isnt five minutes just enough time for a quickie?

@Sirin Did you know there's an evil alien monster trying to take over the world in mass effect called Sarin? (With the Geth)

Why's my comment in the wrong place? Strange.

SuiGeneris01 2

I hate it when people visit and don't even ask if they can

lol k like two people support your snotty comments while the rest hate you. I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole

that comment was for snickers I don't know why it went under this one

k so still the ratio is about 1 out of every 500 like you. I bet you did your hair and makeup just for your fml picture lmao! no life

lol what are you calling well! haha you look like crap. There is only one good place for fingers and that in the kitchen

TahoeFMler 22

Wow! Leave the girl alone! She's allowed to share her opinion, I thought that was the point of FML?! At least she's brave enough to have a pic on her profile!

want her to lick your boots aswell? oh wait, this isn't the 1800's *climbs back into tardis* .....

I agree with #5! It's so rude when people just drop in, especially when you have a new baby. My in-laws did that all the time right after the baby was born. They inevitably came whenever I wanted to sleep and I would have to sit up and entertain them while praying the baby would still be asleep after they left.

Monikabug 9

boots, back off of Snick. If you don't like her, don't read her comments. It is as simple as that. Why is it that she can not comment on a single post without someone trying to be all high and mighty and attack whatever he says?! Grow up, bashers. News flash: Bashing people you do not know on the Internet does NOT make you cool.

:) thanks for proving my point that snickers needs to grow up because she is constantly bashing people. I love my life

oh and doddypops what's your definition of badass. Because I sure wasn't acting badass I think you were just trying to think of something to put me down and said what all haters say on the Internet when they have nothing else to say. They either say your immature grow up or your trying to be badass lmao know that thing about licking boots I was a pun, you know, with his username...... but yeah, bash who you want I guess, only the smart shall stay supreme

Snickerdoodles: Saving the grammar of the internet, one drunken fool at a time.

MF12 0

hey I support snickerdoodles and I know a lot of others do too

kelleyb323 0

@69 News Flash: Sticking up for people you don't know on the Internet does NOT make you cool.

caits13 0

I would have been mom i am in hawaii im not home

garuru 4

you can still have sex. you would have 3 minutes to get ready

Honstly sniker can you shut the hell up every FML you are the first to post saying somethinh about grammer. Sheesh noone cares but you.

MadaZer0 8

I agree with MadaZer0... Go suck on some shit and don't stop. Make sure there's a lot of it too you ******* munchlax!

Beli_fml 0

nerdddd snickerdoodle is funny. bahaha

mexicantumblewee 0