By Anonymous - 31/05/2014 07:24 - United States

Today, it was my birthday. The only person who remembered was my dad who got me a phone charger for my car, which I didn't even need because he got me the same exact thing last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 718
You deserved it 4 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Change. But not the gift. Change your family.

Capitan 15

Maybe him remembering is the real gift. The charger is just material. Happy birthday!


Yep. Exactly. Because that's what OP cares about. The gift. (Not the fact that no one in his/her family bothered to remember the day he/she was born)

pandasaresocute 21
Demig0d6 14

When I read the part where OP said I don't really need it, the first thought I had in mind was OP doesn't have a car! Happy birthday OP, well you know how smart phone chargers are easily damaged, maybe he thought his last year's present was damaged already and you need a new one! Just saying :)

Change. But not the gift. Change your family.

He didn't do a very good job. Lol Especially since that's what he got him last year!

That's usually how it goes but the problem is is that he didn't seem to put any thought into it at all.

@10 well to be fair there is no way I could keep a car charger for one year.

You know what I got for my birthday? A pack of cigarettes!

PinkkyPek 6

Does he have a phone charger? else you know what to give him for his birthday!

Capitan 15

Maybe him remembering is the real gift. The charger is just material. Happy birthday!

At least he remembered it. Happy birthday OP.

You know what forget everyone else. Go out and do it big for your birthday if you have the money, take like 1 or 2 good friends and have fun!

#11 I'm guessing that OP'S friend's aren't as good as he/she thought they would because if they were then they would of remembered OP'S birthday OP said Only his/her dad remembered.