By light_talker - 14/01/2010 19:04 - United States

Today, I got my cell phone bill. I pay for 700 minutes per month. I used 9 last month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 471
You deserved it 17 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I use hardly any minutes, but hundreds of text messages. I don't like talking on the phone much.

What? People say it's bad when you talk too much on your phone, but it's a problem when you don't talk enough?


Dr_Pepper_fml 3

Social life much? O_o jeezus. Honestly, if you use that few minutes, it'd probably be worth it for you to pay the fee to cancel your plan (probably somewhere between $100-$200) and get a minute phone. Net10 is only 10 cents a minute....

he probably texts more then he talks... or he doesnt have a social life and that sucks =S get 100 minutes or something instead of wasting money

responses 0

Well I want to say fyl but it doesn't seem you have one.

aFatFuck 0

All about the texting, bitches! AAAAAWWWWWWWW YYYEEEEAAAAAAAAA

AGGoddess 2

You should try to find a cheaper plan.

iSwag 0

Sounds like you need a new plan AND a life ...FYL

then why don't you actually use your phone..

do we look like we care about your miserable life?

This site/app is literally called **** my life. Why else would you be on here?

Well someone *cough* #5 *cough* has daddy issues.

My mom, sister, and I are all on the same phone plan and we too hardly use up any of those minutes. However, that's not counting all the calls that are on the same network: nearly my entire extended family and the vast majority of the people we call are all on the same network so all those minutes are under another category. We've tried going with pay as you go phones and it's drastically more expensive because of that.

I used 13 minutes, but around 500 text messages... It's just easier IMO.

CableX17 0

haha, I used like 6000 somethin messages last month

whoisthisgirl 4

my highest was 36000.. I wanted to beat my friend. I didn't by the way. his was 38000

What? People say it's bad when you talk too much on your phone, but it's a problem when you don't talk enough?