By Anna - 28/03/2012 01:08 - United States

Today, it's my twenty first birthday. My biggest birthday surprise was discovering that I'm alcohol intolerant, by vomiting my first beer all over my boyfriend's mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 728
You deserved it 4 654

Same thing different taste


Why are spending your 21st birthday with your mother-in-law? You should have thrown a crazy party. But then again, you would have probably ****** yourself playing beer pong. At least you got weed.

ruairiwright 0
BunBunBabe 8

You seriously waited til you turned 21 to ever try a sip of alcohol?...

agm77 9

She may have tried sips before, but a whole beer is a lot more and her stomach probably just couldn't handle it.

meridius4510 4

I feel ur pain bud. My plan for my 21st was to sit down with my dad and a bottle of jack.... but with the meds I'm on it would be my last birthday.

talktomandybaby 8

Shit happens. If your boyfriends mom likes you, she wouldn't make a big deal about it!

lovelife9 12

You actually waited til u were 21 to taste alcohol?

IchigoKoneko 6

I feel sorry for you getting sick and all but you waited until you were 21 seriously? Luckily in the EU we get to drink at 18 and even at that we still drink younger :L

DoughBoy19 3

When I turn 21, my liver will look like a 50 year old alcoholics liver.