By Anonymous - 03/11/2018 14:00

Today, I woke up from celebrating my 29th birthday. I guess it's true that tolerance drops quickly as you age, because I stayed in and only drank a few beers with my husband and spent the entire day retching so hard I puked up blood. My partying days are definitely over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 460
You deserved it 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure you should be picking up blood... maybe talk to the doctor?

alligatorteef 0

you ABSOLUTELY should go to a doctor. maybe even the ER. you should never be vomiting up blood or retching so hard it makes you bleed, after drinking or not.


I'm not sure you should be picking up blood... maybe talk to the doctor?

I'll take 'Shit I did to be popular, but it massively backfired' for $500, Alex.

Which “29th” birthday is this for you?

How many 29th birthdays do you need to celebrate before one sip of rosé makes you start talking to your spleen? I'd say it was that many.

bluhbluhbluh 14
alligatorteef 0

you ABSOLUTELY should go to a doctor. maybe even the ER. you should never be vomiting up blood or retching so hard it makes you bleed, after drinking or not.

Like some of the others are saying - DEFINITELY go to a doctor or even urgent care. Like, NOW. You should never be vomiting up blood, no matter how much you had to drink or how much you're puking. You may have torn vessels in your throat from the force of the vomiting. God forbid it's anything worse.

fde2blknimout 18

We need to have more awareness for water it seems. If only it came out of an in door faucet.

You might have something called Sudden Onset Alcohol Intolerance. Sorry. At least you can still have cheese?

bonsai 11
Squidgegg 4

Err... you don't hit late twenties and suddenly spew blood because you had a few beers, OP. You should probably see a doctor.