By Anna - 28/03/2012 01:08 - United States

Today, it's my twenty first birthday. My biggest birthday surprise was discovering that I'm alcohol intolerant, by vomiting my first beer all over my boyfriend's mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 728
You deserved it 4 654

Same thing different taste


transvestite69 4

Designated Drink not more like Designated Driver. Have fun with that.

What is up with everyone puking lately?

amandajlucas2015 2

Sk u never drank.. Not once before ur twenty first birthday to figure this out ahead of time?

TheHeavyOne 15

I'm sorry you're such a loser & only now are having your first drink. Who waits until they're 21?

So she waited until she's 21. So what? That certainly doesn't make her a loser, but it makes you a douche for calling her that.

No need to drink. Definitely not fml worthy. Drinking is for the weak.

Good, now just make sure remember this and never to drink again

This is why it's important to practice before you get to your 21st

You probably just over did it. Alcohol is a beast. Drink just a little too much and it's chunks city. Those super sweet, weak, foo-foo girly drinks will get you sick too - so be careful. Best to start with 1/2 a beer, wait a bit, try another 1/2 beer, and so on. Once you learn to ride the bike, remove the training wheels and go straight to the tequila shots.

Ammi 7

I feel ya. However, I would go to the doctor/allergist and find out if it's an alcohol intolerance or something else. I have a barley allergy, which means I can't drink beer, but other drinks are generally okay. I never consumed anything with barley in it until I first drank beer, so there was no way for me to make that connection without visiting the doctor. If you go to the allergist, have them do a test for the common ingredients in beer (e.g. hops, barley, wheat--the allergist should have a list) as well as any kind of alcohol test they may be able to do. That's what I did (save the alcohol part, as my reaction--the same as yours, by the way--only happened with beer) and the allergy was quickly discovered. Alcohol intolerance absolutely exists, but it isn't the only possibility. It would be a good thing to know in our society, where drinking is expected at many social events, including work-related ones.

I was about to suggest the same thing. I have a wheat allergy and I've been advised to not eat or drink anything distilled or made from wheat, barley or rye. Doctors weren't able to diagnose it until they realized that only 2 beers (light beers at that!) would make me so unbelievably ill the next day that I couldn't even keep down water. Since switching to gluten-free beers (usually distilled from rice or buckwheat) and light liquors, I haven't had a hangover or been sick since.