By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend throwing my birth control box at me and shouting that I was a slut for cheating on him since we never had sex. I attempted to explain the birth control was for a condition I have that causes my period to be non-existent. He didn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 296
You deserved it 7 333

Same thing different taste


Maybe you should have sex with him you selfish idiot!

rachelbrianna25 0

I honestly can't blame the dude. I mean this is ur bf and u never told him you are taking birth control. Idk seems weird you never told him.

NomDeGuerre 0

You totally deserved that one! Not everyone's a doctor, and obviously he's going to be suspicious if you're not sleeping with him!!!

I am really sorry that that happened. ): I know how you feel because I have to take birth control not just for pregnancy prevention but for a lot of other conditions. When I first started taking it I made sure to tell my boyfriend because we are comfortable enough to talk about things like that. He was very helpful and wanted to know why. I suggest dumping this guy if even after he calmed down he didn't believe you, drop him. He should trust you and shouldn't have to hear the reason you are on birth control from your doctor's mouth.

lmmmr 0

That's absolute bullshit. Not sleeping with their boyfriend in the first 10 minutes would lead me to believe that the person is not a ****, not that they are cheating. You seriously fail at logic. I really hope you are younger than 16. Not being a doctor doesn't mean that you should be ignorant.

Your boyfriend is stupid, yes. But why are you "waking up" to this? If you don't have sex, why are you having him sleep over? Unless you've already had a talk about not wanting sex until marriage or something, he is gonna think that you letting him stay means sex is coming, or yeah, that you're not having sex with him because you're getting it from someone else. I might think the same thing with a guy even without finding something.

they should just call birth control period control then guys will repel from it like anything else with period in it then this wouldnt be a problem =)

lmmmr 0

"You're not having sex with him because you're getting it from someone else" is a really ridiculous assumption. Like really, even if you were cheating on someone, it's not like once you have sex with someone you are incapable of having it again with someone else. And if you read the previous comments the OP explained that the BF let himself in in the morning and found the birthcontrol on the table.

I didn't say I agreed with that reasoning. But it happens to be an assumption A LOT of people make, and a lot of the time it IS true.

pugler 0

Wow. Looks like your boyfriend doesn't have any sisters.

I have a condition too where i have to take birth control, its 100% normal, your boyfriend was a jerk for doing that, if he cant understand that you take them because of a disaese, he cleary shouldnt be with you.

Just_Effed_Up 0

and the award for overreaction of the year goes to... *drum roll* but, seriously, he's kinda slow for not believing you. i use birth control for a health issue that makes my period go on for months at a time, and there's a million and one reasons why people use it. if he cant realize that and calls you a **** for it, then you shouldnt be with him anyway