By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend throwing my birth control box at me and shouting that I was a slut for cheating on him since we never had sex. I attempted to explain the birth control was for a condition I have that causes my period to be non-existent. He didn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 296
You deserved it 7 333

Same thing different taste


doof_fisch 2

Congrats to the OP for deciding to wait till she's married.....but how come everyone is so hard on her bf? I didn't know either that birth control pills are used for anything other than anti-reproduction. I thought that women were reluctant to use them because they were associated with breast cancer, so why would they take them for anything else? Anyhow--- it's not about me - but him. You obviously had some sort of trusting relationship with him if you gave him a key to your place ---- Communication is a big part in a trusting relationship. You should have told him about your condition as soon as you moved to that point in your relationship where you trusted him with a key. For example, If you learned that he was HIV positive, wouldn't your first reaction be that he was not a virgin or that maybe he was even gay? But he could have gotten it from a blood transfusion or a clinic accident or whatever. My point is -- give the guy some slack. Can't you see that his over-the-top reaction could also have been an expression of the hurt/disappointment/anger he felt because he thought someone whom he loved deeply had misled him?

I think guys should try to be more aware about women's bodies and stuff like this. Then maybe they wouldn't look like such presumptuous assholes like OP's guy. That being said, I didn't mind having to explain things to my bf (we were each other's firsts), but at least he is an understanding, caring human being in the first place. As for you, who I am replying to,

Actually (number 246), blood transfusions are so strictly monitered in the US that the odds of getting HIV from one are one in two million. You're more likely to get hit by lightning.

baby_girl_1994 0

I can relate to that. Great FML. Did you 2 break up?

namelessfew 0

I'm guessing PCOS. If he's really that stupid, don't be with him.

while he may have acted like a jackass in assuming right away that you cheated, its still partially your fault for not just telling him you're on the pill in the first place. How long you've been dating is irrelevant. From a guy's standpoint and even a realistic one for that matter, if he finds birth control pills when he hasn't even had sex with you, he's gonna either assume that you've had sex a lot in the past and are already on it or wat he assumed in the first place..that you cheated on him. you both have to communicate better

AntiChrist7 0

So you have a condition and he doesn't know about it. What a relationship. If you had told him from the beginning there would be no problems. YDI

lmmmr 0

If he had acted like a decent human being who treats others with respect from the beginning there would be no problem.

birth control pills are for MANY things other than pregnancy prevention. they are not evidence of sexual activity and women shouldn't feel the need to explain their personal feminine issues to a new boyfriend. ******' society... one source tells women you shouldn't discuss your female issues with your man early on, some say never do it and some say do it right off the bat... **** that. do what you are comfortable with and when you are ready. go with your gut. and for anyone to be so arrogant and assuming, and then not believe you when you try to explain... he doesn't deserve you. YLF

russianredgirl 0

DUMP THAT ASS! he is so ignorant!! i have friends that take that for acne issues, like #257 (glamourful) said theres sooo many other things that the pill is used for, he is so ignorant!! you should not have to explain yourself, dump him, dump him, dump him

There are so many benefits to The Pill that I don't understand why more girls aren't on it. I used to get debilitating cramps, headaches, heavy bleeding and really awful acne. As soon as I started taking the pill, it all went away. Dump the idiot.