By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend throwing my birth control box at me and shouting that I was a slut for cheating on him since we never had sex. I attempted to explain the birth control was for a condition I have that causes my period to be non-existent. He didn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 296
You deserved it 7 333

Same thing different taste


decibel_beads 0

Ick. This really sucks. And your boyfriend is kinda clueless

Panicattackx5 0

Dump his dumb ass, that's all I can say. Or, go out and actually **** someone else. If you're gonna be accused of something, might as well get the benefits of it :D

QueenOfMelodrama 0

Wow, overreact much? Just because you're using birth control doesn't mean you're necessarily having sex. Some people are just idiots.

sugarhigh 0

I have a condition that does that to me. Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. I told my boyfriend about it in the beginning though. If he's going to be an ass dump him, but try to talk to him and even bring him to a site that shows the side effects of what you have. If he listens then he's a good guy. If he doesn't then he's not worth it. Good luck. :]

I don't really get why you would take birth control if you two don't have sex and you have a condition where you don't get you period. Unless you're trying to say you only take the BC so you don't get your period... In that case I'd be like fine you'll see I'll stop taking it and you'll know when I have my period. :] lol

I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome too, and they've also put me on the pill. It's surprisingly common. And I agree, if you explain it, and show him sites on the internet then he'll understand.

koolkong94 9

The guys that get paranoid about cheating like that are usually the ones that cheat themselves. They act that way under the thought that if they can get away with it, then so can she. You might wanna question him about that.

methatswho 0

sadly, i take birth control to regulate my period and i don't have sex either -_-

You need a new boyfriend. He's dumb, and an asshole.

Also, why does he assume you have to be having sex if you're on the pill. A lot of women are on the pill even if they aren't in a serious relationship or having sex, because they might have irregular periods or just so they're prepared when they do get into a physical relationship.