By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend throwing my birth control box at me and shouting that I was a slut for cheating on him since we never had sex. I attempted to explain the birth control was for a condition I have that causes my period to be non-existent. He didn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 296
You deserved it 7 333

Same thing different taste


What an idiot. Does he know the multiple reasons women use the pill? For acne, lighter, shorter periods, no PMS, no cramps... Doctors are super quick to prescribe it, along with every other prescription, so they will prescribe it for ANYTHING. My friend's periods were just a little irregular and the doctor convinced her to get on it. Anyway, what a loser. Don't let a guy literally throw stuff at you!

oJo_fml 0

Boys are so clueless well trust is a foundation of a relationship so if he didn't trust you maybe hes no good for you.

Geez what a jerk- I'd have been like a simple "honey why are you taking bc pills?" would have made a big difference- I'd dump his ass for calling me a ****!

dancelover1012 0

awww i'm sorry hon! that really sucks:( you'll find another guy who loves you and respects you!

Guys are dumb. They are not all educated that something called BIRTH CONTROL might have other uses other than, AS THE NAME SUGGESTS, preventing birth caused by sex. Imagine your significant other telling you "I want to wait before I drive a car." Then you discover they own and use a car parked down the street. "WHY?" you ask, thinking they are a liar and obviously driving. Turns out, your significant other is using the car to practice on for an automotive repair class. Trust issues could be for a variety of reasons. Now he probably trusts women even less, since no documentation was shown or a talk with a physician made, he is still as IGNORANT as before. Only now, from his perspective, he's just been hurt (maybe again) by another lying, cheating woman.

Man that sucks! Your boyfriend should have asked why you were on the pill and let you explain yourself before he went psycho at you. I have endometriosis and I have to use the pill to slow the disease down, the pill is used for other things other than contriception. Silly boyfriend, do your research. *nod nod*

smartypats 1

I have that same condition! I don't take pills anymore though. I think next time you should just be up front to your boyfriend about it. And your boyfriend is an idiot. Sorry.

I take BC because I have PCOS. Women don't have to tell their boyfriends everything about their personal lives, especially if they just met. In fact, it can be very uncomfortable to talk about whatever condition you're using the BC for considering it probably has to do with your ******. It's none of his business and if he wasn't a d-bag, he'd actually ask her rather than yelling at her.

kpearsall 0

Agreed with a lot of people here. Your boyfriend is a douchebag. I've actually dated a few women that took the pill for various things unrelated to pregnancy. (Mood swings, extremely painful periods, etc.) Whenever they tried to stop taking the pill their lives became unbearable for a week out of every month. Who wants to live like that? Easier to pop a pill every day.

Don't they teach that kind of stuff in sex ed.? Ditch the moron. :)