By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend throwing my birth control box at me and shouting that I was a slut for cheating on him since we never had sex. I attempted to explain the birth control was for a condition I have that causes my period to be non-existent. He didn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 296
You deserved it 7 333

Same thing different taste


sunshyne84_fml 0

What an idiot! I'd dump him. Even if u were using it for birth control it's not something you just start taking when you get a boyfriend and stop in between. I think most girls will continue to use it once they start just to stay regular. His reaction was totally unnecessary. He's so immature, be happy you never had sex with him!

That's terrible! I'm so sorry. At least YOU know the truth.

Let me get this straight: You never have sex with a boyfriend who calls you a **** and throws stuff at you. That's mental and physical abuse. Why are you even with this loser? DTMFA

sjam 0

Jeez guys can be so dumb sometimes. There are tons of reasons women take birth control besides actually preventing pregnancy. PCOS sucks, and so does that guy. Dump his ass!

he's an idiot but you should have told him before to avoid this

kick him in the nads for being an asshole.

Cittenscollar 0

Uhh, why would he not assume that they were for HIM for the future...? You don't just go on birth control when you decide to have sex. You're supposed to be on it for a couple of weeks before having sex, anyway. In short, your boyfriend is an ignorant fool. He's also pretty obviously abusive if he blew up at you like that. Dump his ass.

Comments like this really bother me. People who DO this really bother me. Honestly, I don't see how any circumstance except sexual harassment or a need for actual self defense makes it appropriate to kick or hit someone in the genitals. It's rude, painful, degrading, and can actually do serious damage. I hate that girls use it as much as they do. Guys don't go around kicking us in the ****** do they? No. So seriously, what the hell? And don't give me a speech about how that is different because it's not. It still hurts. I'm sure it's not the same kind of pain but it is still pretty damn bad.

CynicComedian 2

Jackass should have done some research. If he's that paranoid and thinks that little of you, he's not worth it.

melmel0492 0

I completely understand your situation, as the same thing happened to me! I was perscribed birth control as a means to regulate my period, which i was getting three times a month (horrible). As soon as my boyfriend found out i was taking the pills he freaked out on me, as he knew i was currently a virgin; turns out, a lot of men really don't know that much in regards to what the pill is, or what it really does, all they know is that you don't get pregnant. I had to literally sit down with my boyfriend (after a while of calming him down) for like two hours and explain EVERYTHING the pill does and how it affects your entire body and what it really is. After that talk he understood completely, maybe you should let him cool off a little bit and explain exactly what it is the pill does? that's what I did and it worked perfectly for me. Either way, good luck!

princesskitten 0

I hate how ignorant some people are about birth control. So many people think it's only to keep from getting pregnant. They know absolutely nothing about it. Some people have conditions that cause their periods to be irregular or unbearable, and birth control helps with that. I'm sorry your boyfriend is an idiot. FYL