By ohdear - 03/01/2010 18:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I witnessed my drunk grandmother attempting the Single Ladies dance, complete with hip gyrations and ass slapping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 815
You deserved it 3 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Malinkrot 3

Kurokava lighten up jesus christ, it sure doesn't take much to get you angry, you should probably stay away from FML before you break down and shoot up your high school or something


How dare you complain. I wish my grandma was that cool.

saranottelling 7

That's hilarious! Why would you be ashamed of that? I wish my grandma was that awesome- instead my grandmothers crazy.

ThankYhuCaptinOb 0

Lmfao i don't see how this is a FYL cuz luke she's drunk and havin funn lol look up to her ; that might be you someday

PandoraHale 0

post that on mlia sept with my Grammys cool on the end

twister19 0

EPIC!!! this belongs on MLIA not FML!

devendra_fml 0

your grandma's acting up, drink in her cup, she could care less what you think.