By ohdear - 03/01/2010 18:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I witnessed my drunk grandmother attempting the Single Ladies dance, complete with hip gyrations and ass slapping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 815
You deserved it 3 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Malinkrot 3

Kurokava lighten up jesus christ, it sure doesn't take much to get you angry, you should probably stay away from FML before you break down and shoot up your high school or something


0lulu0_fml 0

My grandma faked an ****** at a Rocky Horror Picture Show viewing when I was 16. She beat 3 college girls. She was sober. True story.

LauraTheKiwi 0

Will you be crying your tears three good years?

I am not someone who advocates government interference but this FML and a few walks down Broad Street in Birmingham on a Saturday night should make anyone wonder if the world wouldn't be a lot better off if prohibition came to the UK...

thyestes 0

Oh my god, wait you mean old people are just the same as young people in older bodies? but I thought they were just old tight conservative people waiting to die and give me money at Christmas. oh well at least they dont have sex... hang on wait a minute.