By ohdear - 03/01/2010 18:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I witnessed my drunk grandmother attempting the Single Ladies dance, complete with hip gyrations and ass slapping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 815
You deserved it 3 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Malinkrot 3

Kurokava lighten up jesus christ, it sure doesn't take much to get you angry, you should probably stay away from FML before you break down and shoot up your high school or something


dante0220 0

dude I'm scared just by reading this

epoh_fml 0

for some reason I read this FML as saying "grandfather" the first two times I read it. THAT would be funny :-)

Briing_iit_on 0

lol that's hilarious!!! my gran is to stuck up to even hear the song, your gandma sounds awesome!! defiantly NOT a fml.

haha that's really harious.. I think old ppl are becoming more like teens lol jkjk

cel123456789 0
GiRIsMakingCupca 0

now put your hands up wo oh oh ohoh wo oh ohoh lol