By ohdear - 03/01/2010 18:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I witnessed my drunk grandmother attempting the Single Ladies dance, complete with hip gyrations and ass slapping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 815
You deserved it 3 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Malinkrot 3

Kurokava lighten up jesus christ, it sure doesn't take much to get you angry, you should probably stay away from FML before you break down and shoot up your high school or something


That's freakin' awesome! Why are you complaining? I would love it if my grandma did that.. wait.. I take it back. She's already crazy in the head, she'd just do something to make it awkward. Damn. Well.. would you rather she was bed-ridden? No? I didn't think so. Enjoy that type of entertainment while it lasts.

I just feel bad for your grandpa. I imagine his feelings were hurt.

Ok all of you guys suck you are a bunch of emos who hate your life so why don't you do the world a big favor and kill yourselves **** your grandma I hope she dies

tAlk_NERdy_tO_ME 0

my g-ma is no longer with us, R.I.P, but i defintely laughed at this one because that totally sounds like her...only she would be sober. ha lighten up a little, lifes too short. be more like your grandma, greyoncé (; ha

taylornicolette 0

I bet that was priceless. (:

kozmikstarz 0
weddingbelle 0

I wish my grandma would do that. You should cherish your gma's free spirit. ;)

beanstalk0311 0

For the first time I have to admit I'm lost .. ?? ... "single ladies dance"?? Please don't tell me its something a blacky (a ******) started.

weddingbelle 0

Wow some people can be asses. For your info, it's a dance that Beyonce, a very popular pop artist (since you seem to live in a hole somewhere) and her backup singers did in a music video. It won awards at the VMAs, and was the cause of the whole Kanye West incident. And stop being a prick.

You are a rasist ass hole with no life and a ******* ugly-ass face. And no, before you say it I'm not a "Blacky" but you are, your ****** up, twisted, rasist soul is. Its people like you that are the reason terrorists are trying to blow us up. Oh and there's such a thing as grammar. Use it.