By nyebust - 01/01/2011 05:18 - United States

Today, my grandmother drunk dialed me at midnight to wish me a happy new year. I was already in bed. My grandmother has a better social life than I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 210
You deserved it 8 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

What the hell where you doing in bed? Even if you're alone you should be up for New Years.

mercedes3210 6

sad you should hang out with your grandma


suuuuurrrrraaaaa 0

New Years Eve is my birthday and my mom was at the club while i was working. All day.

gobluemegan 1

well at least you have time to change that.

FYLDeep 25

What the hell where you doing in bed? Even if you're alone you should be up for New Years.

turtlefreak28 0

I agree! u should be partying! it's new years!

mercedes3210 6

sad you should hang out with your grandma

Seems like most people have a better social life than you do.

She could've been by herself, just sayin'...

You're in bed? Were you even trying?

Haha that's brilliant. I was in bed last night but it's only because I was up at half four for work, sucks.

sjosue 0

i know right .. I mean its not like it could be a pervert .. .. Oh, wait! .. lol

btnhdude 0

Ur own fault ! You could've gone out !