By Kaboom - 21/04/2009 12:52 - Canada

Today, I went out for a smoke break. A homeless person walks up to me and asks for a cig. As I pull out my pack he says "Oh... Menthols... no I don't smoke that cheap shit". I was called cheap by a hobo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 663
You deserved it 19 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha! thats hilarious! btw, i smoke menthols too, i like the way they clear my nose.


everyone who is saying "YDI for smoking" are ignorant. smoking, as most of you SHOULD know, is an addiction, it's not so easy for this person to just call it quits, majority of people can't even do it. and when you say "enjoy your cancer", stfu, you sound like every other person on here. and so what if someone smokes ? what's it to you. it doesn't affect who they are as a person at all. so stop being such assholes, and just read the FML without bitching about it. fyi i don't smoke.

bad_karma89 0

#24: Where I come from, Newports are more expensive than Marlboros and Camels. Hell if I know why. To all you people bashing on smokers: it's a personal choice. I don't see people bashing on stoners when they post about how they lost their weed or something. To all you smokers: enjoy your cancer. Now, I'm going to go out for a smoke break.

I think this smokers v. non smokers battle is only proving that smokers (who are commenting on here) are irritable and get defensive really easily and need a cigarette break before a internet comment page makes them pop a vein and that non smokers who are commenting on here generally don't give a shit about the people who smoke , except that the consequences are your fault and might all be 12.

ragas 0

Lmao, at least its a good one. But yeah, I agree with #3

Both my parents smoked, and my mother died of lung cancer. Me, I have never smoked. The demographic/marketing reality is that menthol cigarettes are much more popular among African-American smokers than among white smokers. (I have no idea why.) Hence, some people (like the OP's hobo?) associate smoking menthol with being black.

this is stupid. menthols are no cheaper than nonmenthols. the only thing that has anything to do with price is which brand of cigarettes you buy...

bad_karma89 0

#77: I smoke menthols, and I'm white. But the saddening truth is that black people are stereotyped as menthol smokers (to be fair, every black smoker I've ever met has smoked menthols...) Does this mean I can be a homie? 8.

Dopehead666 21

Are you ******* kidding me? I smoke Newports 100s... which duh are menthol. And in Oklahoma they are $6.08 at normal stores and $5.50 at Indian Smoke Shops! He is crazy!

Funtertaining11 0

That's pretty ironic, but why smoke in the first place. It's just a 1st class ticket to your grave. You should've said something like, "And this is coming from someone who can't afford one cigarette?" But still, you shouldn't smoke. It's gross, it smells, and I'd probably die because of my asthma. (I've had it since I was about 3.)

buctastic 0

I'm not irritable or defensive. I'm smoking a cig right now. And the nonsmokers do give a shit or they wouldn't sit here and comment. But to make things fair what you're saying is the equivalent of me telling a gay man "enjoy the AIDS you're gonna get since you're gay".