By kacysospacyy - 15/07/2011 18:23 - United States

Today, I went on a run with the family dog. I returned home to three missed calls and a hysterical voicemail from my dad. Why? The dog was gone. Not me, his 15 year-old daughter, the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 064
You deserved it 4 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But, if you ask me, it's not weird if the 15 year old is not home - but it sure is strange if the dog isn't!

tonydizzle 0


tonydizzle 0

He probably assumed you were at a friends' house or something, or that you could look after yourself. The dog, on the other hand, cannot.

*bland, generic comment about how terrible your father is*

Be thankful he trusts you to be safe when he's not around. He's not a bad parent for assuming you're safe.

ImFrackinBored 13

Has it occurred to you that you can just be called, exactly what happened, and the dog cant?

idontcare8l 3

say you sold the dog and your running away and see what he says, then you will know

Wait is your name Meg and your dog Brian? he could have been talking about you

tonydizzle 0

Meg who let you back in the house lol

He knows you are in heat and running around.

ok seriously, the dog cannot look after itself like you... if nobody could find you for like ten mins everyone would presume you went out for a walk or something. if the dog was gone not in the garden and nowhere to be found they would presume it took a walk aka ran way/ and maybe got lost...

He probably didn't say anything about you because he trusts you, and he cares about the dog! What a caring father!;)

Thunderbender 2

Why would he be worried if you are gone? You're 15 years old and assumedly responsible enough to take care of yourself. Your dog however is a dog and if he's not in the house that's a problem

You can always replace a 15 year old daughter.

You're 15. He assumes you'll be back when your done doing whatever you are doing. The dog is a dog. There's no telling when it'll be done doing what it's doing.

he probably thinks you can be responsible and not get lost when you by yourself but a dog on the otherhand would probably get lost

StudMuffinette 17

wow that sucks. and u could have got like raped or something too. fyl

hmm, he left a voicemail, which means he isn't home. How would he know the dog was gone then?

Well that means he trusts that you are a responsible person and wouldn't get lost. But, the dog, on the other hand, wouldn't be trusted well...because it's a dog. So I find this pretty reasonable. Not an FYL or a YDI.

a_nutritionist 10

@97 yes, rape is so likely these days that going for a walk requires constant supervision. i once left the house without my parents, for several hours, i was lucky though, barely got back inside before nothing happened. @104 how you remember to breathe ill never know.

84 your comment was the only one that deserved a smile

supermankisses 1

Obviously he knew you were gone but didn't know you had taken the dog

so...ur fifteen...I'm fifteen...u single? :P btw stupid dad

xcrunnergrl 0

what did you do to your dad?

flockz 19

turned a mistake into eighteen years of responsibility and boring sex life. thats what they did to their father. its only natural for him to pick the dog.

youjustmademelol 4

He probably thought you were out shopping, a missing dog on the other hand is probably lost or dead. Chilax

heartbrakej 0

*insert joke about getting new dad*

purple_laxer847 3

that's why I didn't do anything to 47.

KatieLov3sChu 4

excuse me for being a bitch but that's great :D

36: Says the queer with the beiber hair.

comments like these aren't clever, it just proves you aren't clever enough to make an actual joke

94 I didn't know wether to thumb your comment down or up

Xx_Dakota_xX 1

y don't the OPs ever comment on their post...

Xx_Dakota_xX 1

4- *insert joke about how lazy and retarded u are*

But, if you ask me, it's not weird if the 15 year old is not home - but it sure is strange if the dog isn't!

bballsoccerrocks 7
some_shit 0

that's what I was thinking. it's not the he doesn't love you, he just figured u went somewhere.

KatrinaKitten 16

I'm sure he still loves you..

well the dog probably won't come back or get hit by a car. op won't

he still loves her he just is more used to her being gone and the dog not..... and besides mans best friend

He probably knew you were out and thought the dog had run off or something. I think he'd have been a lot more concerned if he thought you were in some sort of danger.

This would still be an fml if he was hysteric about you. You need something to complain about

This would still be an fml if he was hysteric about you. You need something to complain about

hey I'm not sure how to message people could u tell me o and I'm 15 from the united states

see it from the good side, he counts on u, and u can party without your dad is calling after u.

see it from the good side, he counts on u, and u can party without your dad is calling after u.