Dementia or hate? You decide

By Anonymous - 05/02/2021 11:01

Today, I spent an hour listening to my mother-in-law go over the details of how happy my husband was at his wedding, while she went through the photo album and stared at the pictures. The wedding with his first wife. I spend several days each month with her taking care of her, and she does this kind of thing every time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 408
You deserved it 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww sh*t... Sorry this is happening to you? Does your MIL have dementia? Or does she know what she is doing and simply does not like you? If it is the later, well, you should stop taking care of her and talk to your husband about it, cause it is not ok. Good luck


Aww sh*t... Sorry this is happening to you? Does your MIL have dementia? Or does she know what she is doing and simply does not like you? If it is the later, well, you should stop taking care of her and talk to your husband about it, cause it is not ok. Good luck

she does it because you allow it. you and your husband need to have a serious conversation about this and present a united front about acceptable behavior. if she is going to do shit like this, she gets a time out.

"And isn't her mum beautiful and so successful as well as loved"

flagbitch 8

Crowned Sataness is correct...and a deal is a deal.