By Anonymous - 06/10/2018 13:30

Today, I got my very first paycheck of $129 for over 40 hours of work. I got paid roughly $3.00 an hour. Alaska minimum is $9.50 per hour, and my HR office is refusing to answer my calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 096
You deserved it 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohsnapword 21

A well worded letter from your attorney will clear that right up.

littlewolfie95 5

HR tend to just be office hours so Monday to Fridays and are closed on weekends


littlewolfie95 5

HR tend to just be office hours so Monday to Fridays and are closed on weekends

ohsnapword 21

A well worded letter from your attorney will clear that right up.

Alaska undoubtedly has an enforcement division for the minimum wage. No attorney needed. Just tell them, they'll send a nicely worded letter; and it will have a LOT more impact. At the federal level, I think it's the FTC that does the same, but they'll only force your employer to cough up the federal minimum wage. Unless your employer LIKES fines, they'll cough up the money. But start looking for a new job, no matter what you do.

Are you sure it’s for a full pay period? Check the start and end dates on your stub.

Look closely at the entire pay stub - It should be able to answer your questions. What is the pay period indicated? How many hours are shown? Are there any large deductions? Most companies are behind by one or two weeks on the pay period. It’s possible or probable that your first check was covering only part of your time there. Assuming that’s what happened, the next check will be a full check. If after looking carefully at your pay stub you have questions call HR on Monday, but be calm and respectful. Otherwise you will get a reputation as a hothead and that won’t help you at all.

cazziuz1983 9

while I agree with you mostly I do have to say,dont be respectful(assuming there is no garnishment, ectect)its his money. myself I always keep my daily clock in and out slips,yeah I get paid min wage so each penny is mine when I earn it,company damn well better pay up,done lost 2 jobs cuase they altered my hours after i worked my shift and got corporate involved over it

So you owe the IRS, back alimony or child support? Check for wage garnishments.

Instead of calling...get your butt into the HR office..

Are you in a position where you make tips? Where I’m from if your in that kind of work the minimum wage is much less

I'm pretty sure that is illegal! If you can't get through to human resources, take it higher up. sue if you have to! there is a reason there is minimum wage!