Memory man

By Dad Fail - 07/02/2023 07:00 - United States

Today, my dad let me use his phone. Five minutes later, he had my mom call it because he thought he'd lost it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 685
You deserved it 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aaannnnd?? Were you accused of taking it without permission? Or did you find his stash of your mom's Nudes or his **** stash? Or did they catch you surfing **** when they came to get the phone? I mean, you had the phone with permission.


Aaannnnd?? Were you accused of taking it without permission? Or did you find his stash of your mom's Nudes or his **** stash? Or did they catch you surfing **** when they came to get the phone? I mean, you had the phone with permission.